- bleedBox (float) – bleeds during work in milimetres. The system is checking whether the work has proper bleeds, that is to say, whether the format of the installed work is in netto format + bleed from each side. Default 3
- cornerRadius (float) – the radius of curvature (default 0 mm) in the corners (used as trimbox visualisation for products with curved corners)
- foldList (List<List<float>>) – a list of crease lines definition for each page. If there are more pages than foldList objects, the next lines will be used for modulo pages. The positive values indicate the vertical crease lines and the negative values, the horizontal crease The crease lines are placed in relation to a specified work time frame (with inclusion of an eventual trade). E.g. for A4 to DL in Z (format defined as width:297, height:210) we have “foldList”: [[99,198]] because on the first and second page of crease lines you should choose 99mm and 198mm from the left side. In case of A4 to DL in C (format defined as width:297, height:210) we have “foldList”: [[97, 197], [100, 200]], because the crease lines on the first side are a mirror reflection of crease lines on the second side (they are not symmetrical).
- height (float) – expected net height of a page
- innerMargin (float) – the size of inner safety margin in mm (Default 3 mm)
- numberOfPages (int) – number of project pages
- jobId (int) – unique job number (set by an application which uses PmPreflight, used to identify the job)
- pathResult (string) – a place where PMPreflight should put the Output file which contains the information about the completed task (in JobResult format). The Output files have a following title: json
- safeArea (float) – The size of the riser in relation to trimbox (Default 3 mm)
- token (string) – additional job token – useful if within one job (jobld) there are a few preflight processes being conducted.
- userFileList (List<string>) – a list of files (full path) which are going to be used for
- width (float) – expected net width of a page
- checkBleedbox (bool) – informs whether the program should check if there are bleeds in
- applyBleedbox (bool) – informs whether the system should add the bleeds if they are lacking (mirror bleeds). Makes sense only with checkBleedbox = true. Default
- innerMarginTop (float/null) – allows to overload the inner margin and define a different upper safety margin. Default
- innerMarginRight, innerMarginBottom, innerMarginLeft (float/null) – as explained above for the right, down and left
- flipMargin (bool) – information flag, which states whether the margins should rotate if the work is (i.e. the format is 210×297 and the client uploaded 297×210). Default true.
- mirrorMarginOnEven (bool) – information flag which states if the margin should be reflected on even (i.e. for sewn catalogues). Default false.
- sizeCheckThreshold (float) – the system informs if the uploaded work isn’t too wide/high. This variable specifies at which point such warning should occur (in mm). default
- prepareFlyer (bool) –Information flag that asks if the system should prepare files for a 3D pamphlet.
- creases (SheetCreases) – creasing definition in a 3D Makes sense only if prepareFlyer
- = true. Null value of this variable will generate a flat leaflet. Default null. SheetCreases structure was described under the list of variables.
- uvPagesCount (int) – amount of pages with UV varnish .
- uvFilesList (List<string>) – a list of files (full path) which are going to be used for Preflight UV
- foldMarksFile (string) – a path to the file with the cutting die which is going to be applied in the preview file as a “diecutter” layer. Pages from foldMarksFile file are applied each in turn in a loop,e. in case of a 10 page work and 4 page foldMarksFile file it will be applied two times in full and additionally the first two pages on pages 9 and 10.
- foldMarksFileFlipped (string) – a path to a file with a cutting die, which should be used if the client uploads a rotated work. If this parameter will not be provided, system will rotate the foldMarksFile on their
- flippedClockwise (bool) – defines, if the uploaded file is rotated by 90 degrees in relation to the given format, should the system assume it was rotated clockwise. Default false – the system assumes that the rotated files where turned anti-clockwise.
- prepareFlippingBookCover (bool) – Defines if the system should treat the uploaded file as the catalogue cover, meaning, should it cut the pictures in a way which enables to use them in 3D
- spineWidth (float) – makes sense only if prepareFlippingBookCover = It defines how wide is the spine in the uploaded file (in mm). I.e. the file is an A4 catalogue cover with 5mm spine, so its format is 425mm x 297mm. Providing spineWidth parameter = 5, the system in preview will select a 5mm wide spine, moreover, it will prepare jpg file for 3D preview by cutting off the spine (from both sides).
- glueOnShortEdge (bool) – Information flag which states if the product is glued on the short side (it will add in Proof a mark of the glued place). Default false. It also has an influence on generating pictures for 3D
- glueOnLongEdge (bool) – Information flag which states if the product is glued on the long side (it causes a mark of the glued spot to be added to “proof”). Default false. It also has an influence on generating pictures for 3D
- overlapWidth (float/null) – A variable which informs about the length of the riser in relation to expected trim Makes sense only with glueOnShortEdge or glueOnLongEdge. In case of products like glued notebook (i.e. A4) a riser ,with which the notebook is glued, is added to the expected trim size. Part of the riser will belong to the spine and some part will overlap its back. This parametre is needed (along with spineWidth and glueOnshortedge or glueOnLongEdge) to prepare for an appropriate 3D preview of the catalogue. Of course in case of A4 notebook with 30mm riser, glued on the short side, the work should have following measurements: 210mm x 227mm. The system does not add the riser but cuts it for viewing and draws the spine in the right place. Default null.
- prepareFlippingBookContent (bool) – informs the system whether it should prepare the jpg pictures for previewing the catalogue (middle pages).
- z flippingBookMergeOnLongEdge (bool) – Information flag that states if the catalogue pages are glued on the long or a short side. Makes sense only in case of using prepareFlippingBookContent or prepareFlippingBookCover. Default false.
- fixedAutoPages (FixedAutoPages) – a structure that defines files which should be automaticly upploaded to the work. I.e. if we want to automatically add some information/advertisement on the second page of a simplex work, then we can use these parameters. Default null. FixedAutoPages structure was described under the list of
- kfpxProfile – the path to .kfpx file with pdfToolbox profile definition, which should be applied in
- kfpxUvProfile – the path to .kfpx file with pdfToolbox profile definition, which should be used for preflight files of a selective varnish.
In the float type variables we use ”.” (dot) as a decimal sign.
SheetCreases strucutre description (boxes):
- vertical (List<floa>) – the list of vertical creases (in relation to work format) in mm. Positive numbers mean creases ”at the front”, negative numbers mean creases ”at the back”.
- horizontal (List<floa>) – the list of horizontal Mechanism the same as in the verticalcreases.
- firstFront (bool) – Information flag which states if the first work page should be at the front. I.e. in case of A4 pamphlet to DL in C, the first work page is the outer part and on a 3D preview should be at the back. Default false.
- foldingOrder (List<string>) – sequence including words like “left” or “right”, which informs of the order of pamphlet
Example (for A4 to DL in C pamphlet, 297×210 format):
“creases”: { “fistFront”: false,
“foldingOrder”: [“left”,”right”], “horizontal”: [],
“vertical”: [-97,-197]
FixedAutoPages structure description (boxes):
- file (string) – a path to the file which will be added
- fileFlipped (string) – a path to the file which will be added, if the client uploads a work rotated in relation to the given format
- insertAfter (int) – on which side should be added the pages from this 0 (zero) means, that the pages should be added at the beginning.
- numberOfCopies (int) – number of page copies from the file which is supposed to be